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Astronomers find a planet that shouldn’t exist — ScienceDaily

When our Sun reaches the end of its life, it will expand to 100 times its current size, enveloping the Earth. Many planets in other…

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Astrophysicists discover the closest and oldest ultracool dwarf binary ever observed — ScienceDaily

Northwestern University and the University of California San Diego (UC San Diego) astrophysicists have discovered the tightest ultracool dwarf binary system ever observed. The two…

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The stars circle each other every 51 minutes, confirming a decades-old prediction. — ScienceDaily

Nearly half the stars in our galaxy are solitary like the sun. The other half comprises stars that circle other stars, in pairs and multiples,…

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Finding represents first detections of atmospheric loss in — ScienceDaily

Astronomers have identified two different cases of “mini-Neptune” planets that are losing their puffy atmospheres and likely transforming into super-Earths. Radiation from the planets’ stars…

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