Queen Naija – Karma (Official Audio)

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Take a listen to my new single #KARMA out now: Music video by Queen Naija performing Karma. © 2018 Queen Naija …

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24 thoughts on “Queen Naija – Karma (Official Audio)

  1. Karmayic is an Ancient and unheard of religion that existed before the Egyptian Pyramids were constructed. Karmayics pray to their Goddess Azura. Azura is Goddess to all life in the multi-verse. Azura was granted powers to create life by Her Father Azule and He received from His Father Azure. Azure created infinite space for His Son, Azule. Azule created balls of light (stars) to guide the way like road markers and created a Daughter, Azura. Azura created spheres teeming with life and elements of all kinds across the vastness of the multi-verse. After a few quadrillion years, life evolved and died everywhere. When Karmayics die, they will be deemed worthy to exist among "The Three" (Azure, Azule & Azure) and granted eternal life with the knowledge to create life in other dimensions of their choosing.

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