Medicines like remdesivir have been found to fasten recovery time and lessen the viral load in the body. Tocilizumab, meanwhile, works as an immunosuppressant to fight respiratory distress immune complications, which can happen when the virus begins to attack the body’s immune system. If used correctly, a medicine like tocilizumab can help fight cytokine storm in moderate and severe cases of COVID-19.
However, it’s important to know that all drugs primarily being used right now are being used “off-label”, i.e, based on clinical discretion and a lot of studies are needed before we conclude their usage as safe. Tocilizumab, as experts say are immuno-suppressants. If the dosage is not monitored, it can lead to an array of complications like blood infections, health issues, weight fluctuations, digestion issues and in many cases, also weaken the immune system. Hence, even in non-COVID-19 cases, the dosage and administration of the drug need to be closely monitored.