Friends replicate 1977 street party for King’s Coronation

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Fatima Sidat and friend Farida Jhina hosted the party on May Street in the Audley area of Blackburn. 

Back in February 1977 Fatima had attended a huge party during the Queen’s Silver Jubilee celebrations on nearby Lambeth Street.

Fatima was 30 in 1977, with four kids all of whom attended the Silver Jubilee Party. She is now 75 and four generations of her family attended the Coronation party on Sunday, including her great-grandchildren.

Asian Image: the party on May Street in the Audley area of Blackburn. 

On Sunday, assisted by Muhammad Sidat, Hussain Mulla and Safeerah Sidat, the friends invited people from across local community to host another party as part of celebrations.

The event held on the warmest day of the year saw neighbours and families join people from across the town and others who had travelled from Yorkshire to be at the fun-filled day.

Asian Image: the party on May Street in the Audley area of Blackburn. 

Author: desi123 is an online news portal that aims to provide the latest trendy news for Asians living in Asia and around the World.

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